EP 154 Uncover The Deeper Meaning of Health and Relationships with Elise & Dan

Elise is a certified Nutrition Coach and Dan, a Personal Trainer and Chek Certified Holistic Lifestyle Coach. They have dedicated our lives to the study, exploration, practice, and application of all things wellness.

Eiise and Dan's health journey began on a traditional path of exercise as a means to sports performance and better aesthetics. Over the years however, through research, and more importantly trial and error, they have come to realize the ways in which all things are connected. They have learned to create and integrate our holistic philosophy into a lifestyle that supports continued physical, mental and spiritual growth and well-being.

We talk about relationships, finding your passion, your authentic truth - in a world that wants to tell you what to think, how to act, who to be.

Connect with Elise and Dan here:

Website: www.momentumstrengthwellness.com
Instagram: @momentumstrengthwellness
YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCvwwmCMD129aTlcNjK4i5Hg
Facebook: www.facebook.com/momentumstrengthwellness
The DEEP Life podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/0xAg6OYLuSerNcMw0aY7Yi?si=bN452d1aS0iJYLGxDhvTIA

Pick up a copy of my book Finally Thriving here:
