EP 128: How To Alchemize Yourself With Rosanne Grace

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As a Metaphysical Intuitive Coach, Rosanne specializes in getting to the root cause of her clients mental, emotional and spiritual interruptions, compromised narratives and disruptive programs in order to be cleared.

She is the conduit introducing elevated states of awareness that activates a client's connection to their higher self, inner child, divine intelligence and their true source consciousness. Rosanne is committed to facilitating the deepest, easiest and most graceful healing and integration possible.

Today we talk about what Rosanne calls pure love frequency, how you can tap into this within yourself and the potential this can open you up to. We talk about the current state of affairs and how you can find a neutral zone within the chaos of separation. We also touch upon parallel realities and how to navigate them with a pure love frequency. Finally, how the act of surrendering allows for you to release all resistance within yourself. How this brings about and reveals your inner gifts and creates an unstoppable force.

Connect with Rosanne here:

Website: https://www.rosannegrace .com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rosanne.grace/


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