
EP 92: The Masculine Paradox, Bonus Parenting & Relationship Dynamics With Jator Pierre

Jator Pierre of Water and Earth Holistic Life Coaching (WE HLC) has been in the practice of transforming lives since 1999. Using a vast toolbox of modalities to bring about lasting change in his clients his work primarily focuses on emotional trauma, auto-immune issues, digestive disorders, chronic stress, and chronic pain.

EP58: How I Healed My Midlife Crisis With Christopher Ryan

EP58:  How I Healed My Midlife Crisis With Christopher Ryan

Christopher and his work have been featured just about everywhere, including: MSNBC, Fox News, CNN, NPR, The New York Times, The Times of London, Playboy, The Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, The Atlantic, Outside, El PaisLa Vanguardia, Salon, Seed, and Big Think. 

Chris has been a featured speaker at TED, SXSW, The Festival of Dangerous Ideas at the Sydney Opera House, and the Einstein Forum in Pottsdam, Germany, provided expert testimony in a Canadian constitutional hearing, and appeared in well over a dozen documentary films.

Even before co-authoring the New York Times best-seller, Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What it Means for Modern Relationships (translated into 15 languages), with his wife, Cacilda Jethá, MD, Chris was on a wild ride. After receiving a BA in English and American literature in 1984 he spent the next two decades traveling around the world, pausing in unexpected places to work at decidedly odd jobs (e.g., gutting salmon in Alaska, teaching English to prostitutes in Bangkok and self-defense to land-reform activists in Mexico, managing commercial real-estate in New York’s Diamond District, helping Spanish physicians translate and publish their research). In his mid-30s, Chris decided to return to school to pursue doctoral studies in Psychology at Saybrook Graduate School, in San Francisco, CA.

EP33: Discovering & Living Your Purpose With James Hollis PhD

EP33:  Discovering & Living Your Purpose With James Hollis PhD

James Hollis, Ph.D. is a Jungian Analyst in Washington, D. C. where he is also Executive Director of the Jung Society of Washington. He has published fifteen books translated into nineteen languages and lectures widely on five continents.  His latest books are Hauntings and Living an Examined Life.

EP32: Integrating Community, Intuition & Movement With Katy Bowman

EP32: Integrating Community, Intuition & Movement With Katy Bowman

In this episode we discuss how Katy came to develop the concept of nutritious movement and movement ecology.  Role modeling as a way of showing others how to integrate change.

Finding your personal mission statement and defining your own personal value system which is different than the values you hold for your family and community. They are dynamic.

What you'll learn from this episode...

  • Role modeling vs. being an expert and what we hand down to other generations;  our truths, intuition and expert culture. 
  • Multitasking - how one task leads to another thus making integration much smoother.
  • How to make life less stressful and more joyful by integrating and stacking nature based activities.
  • How making things more complex has impacted our environment and health from an ecological standpoint.