
EP 118: Getting Past Perfection With Gigi

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Gigi is a new kid in the Seattle music scene, writing and recording music for the past six years in her parents basement, and various other places including cutting vocals in her brothers closet or kitchen. The brother-sister duo write and record all their own music with tastes in R&B, soul, jazz and a little bit of pop.

In this episode Gigi shares her story of getting past perfection, self sabotage and fear and moving toward realizing her dreams. Her curiosity for life allowed her to tap into her creative potential by getting vulnerable.

You can find Gigi here!

Instagram: @gigi____music



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EP 117: What is Human Design & How Can It Improve Your Life With Kelsey Abbott

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Kelsey Abbott is an intuitive Human Design Reader, a Certified Professional Coach, Instigator of Joy and the host of the Find Your Awesome podcast. She helps spiritual adventurers remember who they are and why they’re here so they can experience more ease, joy, flow, magic and miracles. She believes that the universe wants us to be sparklyAF and that joy is our natural state.

When Kelsey isn't playing in her business, she's bringing curiosity, play and joy to triathlon--a sport she races as an elite amateur. After a decade in Maine and 16 months of traveling around the U.S. in a small camper, Kelsey now lives in Sarasota, Florida with her husband and dog. In case you haven't guessed, Kelsey is a Manifesting Generator living her design and following the joy.

Connect with Kelsey Here:



YouTube Channel:


In this episode we talk about:

  • What Human Design is, and how to determine which of the 5 energy types you are

  • How each energy type can clean up their auras so they can tap into greater sources of energy

  • What it looks like for each energy type to be out of alignment (and how to correct it)

  • Ways that Kelsey uses Human Design in her romantic relationship, collaborations with team members, and friendships

  • And so much more!!!

Enlifted Coaching Certification

Book a discovery call with Mark England here and tell him Allison Pelot sent you.

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EP 114: Spring Clearing With Feng Shui With Sara Egert

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Sara focuses her curiosity and enthusiasm on helping people improve their lives within themselves and outward while raising their energy and vibration in their bodies, home and work environment. Sara educates her clients to observe and be conscious of their physical space at home or office, and how it's a reflection of their current life & body, and the subtle changes that can be made.

Her transformational journey started as a student of the Western School of Feng Shui™, completions of: 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training, Elemental Space Clearing®, Medical Intuition Training, Breathworker {conscious connected breath} and continuing education in all realms.

Sara loves teaching well-being modalities within our body {yoga, breathwork & meditation} and physical environments {feng shui}, because all complement each other and helps bring into balance our inner and external worlds. Sara lives in Portland, Oregon and works with her clients virtually and in person, all around the world.

Connect with Sara here:




In this episode we talk about:

  • The seen & unseen in our living and work spaces

  • Energy (Fend Shui) is everywhere

  • How a blank & new canvas can open you up to bring in more opportunities

  • How the elements (Water, Fire, Metal, Earth, Wood) interplay within your home


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EP 107: It's Time To Level Up Your Consciousness With Rosanne Grace

Today I'm talking with Rosanne Grace with Ascension With Grace. We get right into the metaphysical today and talk about how you can practically clear yourself and your space energetically. The benefits of aligning yourself with your inner child and connecting to your future self. Current events and how they relate to our collective purpose. Essentially how to level up your consciousness.

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As an Intuitive Holistic lifestyle coach specializing in inner child integration and Quantum healing hypnosis practitioner Rosanne’s been able to support her clients heal the root cause of their stories (whether it be in this lifetime or another).

Having experienced overwhelming pain and suffering on her journey of awakening, she realized that there had to be a better way. An easier more graceful way. This is her purpose here.

Rosanne’s mission is to support the individual and collective in their healing and ascension. As an Ascension Advisor and Metaphysical Coach Rosanne has successfully connected and guided thousands of clients to their higher self, inner child, divine intelligence of the physical body and their true Source Consciousness to facilitate the deepest, easiest and most graceful healing and integration possible.

Connect with Rosanne here:






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EP 106: Your Health Is Not A Conspiracy With Josh & Jeanne Rubin


As pioneers in restoring thyroid and metabolic health, Josh & Jeanne have taken “food as medicine” to the next level. With over 20 years of research and experience they have unlocked the secret to what defines a healthy, healing and sustainable diet. It’s You. More specifically your ability to metabolize and process not only the food you eat but the environment you live, into energy – your body’s most basic and fundamental need.

Josh and Jeanne created Restoration Thyroid Nutrition (RTN) which is a method designed to teach you how to use your food with strategy and intention to unravel the long-term effects chronic stress has had on the body while building a solid foundation for the body to heal and ultimately reach optimal thyroid health.

The patterns of healing they have observed over the last 12 years of applying the principles of the RTN Method have provided them with the greatest knowledge and experience—proving even more powerful than their combined years of research and study in nutrition.

Connect with Josh & Jeanne here:


Today I'm talking to Josh & Jeanne Rubin of East West Healing about why health has become a conspiracy. How we make it way too complicated and what we can do about it by learning how to create an inner calm with our nutrition practice.

We talk about:

  • How they’re seeing an increase of anxiety in younger people because of more technology and the lack of boredom

  • Why we make our health so complicated and what we can do to make it simple, light, fun and sustainable.

  • The value in listening to people who are experienced in their field of expertise in holistic health.

  • Why considering your physiological load in your nutrition program is essential to your success.

  • How to create an inner calm and resilience through your nutrition practice.


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EP 98: Defining What Matters Most & Facing Fears With Tobias McGowan

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Tobias McGowan is a mindset coach and writer, working primarily with entrepreneurs and leaders on personal development and emotional healing. He’s currently in Campbell, CA.

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Tobias is the author of, “What I Found In The Darkness: A Memoir About Life, Death, & Making Our Suffering Matter.”

It’s a memoir about his younger self, and the deeply emotional journey that he went through while experiencing his father’s brain cancer and death. In the book Tobias integrates some of life’s most profound lessons that he learned through the process of his father’s illness.

In this episode we discuss the process of defining what matters most in your life and why this is important to uncover. As well as how to face your fears courageously and in a way that creates healing on all levels.

You can connect with Tobias here:


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EP 97: A Holistic Health Perspective On COVID-19 With Danielle Melanson


Danielle Melanson is a licensed acupuncturist in Portland Oregon. Danielle received her master’s degree in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine in Portland, Oregon. She is a member of the American Association of Oriental Medicine (AAOM) and board certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). She has additional certification in Chinese herbal medicine and the ability to prescribe custom Chinese herbal formulas for her patients. She is also a member of the Oregon Association for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (OAAOM).

Danielle’s priority as a health care provider is to take the proper time to listen and establish a relationship with each one of her patients. She believes the journey to health is unique for each person, and that Acupuncture and Chinese herbs have the ability to heal on many different levels. With an open heart, in a supportive environment, her experience has taught her that every person can become more aware of their bodies and find a more optimal state of health through Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM.)

When not caring for patients, Danielle enjoys a lifestyle of hiking, skiing, mountain biking, boogie boarding and cooking with her son, Harry.


What is Qi?

The Classical Chinese explanation is that energy (Qi) flows in channels (meridians) throughout the body and over its surfaces. The Chinese have identified 71 of these rivers of energy which is a basic energy map for all people. The meridians are often compared to a series of interconnected highways. Each of the major organs is associated with its own highway. Through this network, internal organs are connected to certain areas and parts of the body including the muscles, bones, joints, and other organs.

When the body is internally balanced and in harmony with the external environment, Qi flows smoothly through the highways to nourish the organs and tissues. If an obstruction occurs it causes a traffic jam, the Qi is disrupted and cannot flow properly or has to flow in the opposite direction. Just like a ten car pile up would stop the flow from one part of a city to the other, resulting in stress, delays and potentially accidents, the body’s innate balance is disrupted and disease (or dis-ease) results.

Acupuncture points are the specific points on the meridians where the Qi is both concentrated and accessible. Qi is engaged and flow is returned by inserting needles at specific points. As the body regains its natural balance and Qi flows freely, well-being and health return.


My dad’s tub of daily medication



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EP 96: How To Physically & Energetically Ground, Connect & Align Yourself

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In today's episode I share a holistic perspective on how you can perceive your time in quarantine and the coronavirus. How to transmute our fears into love, abundance and creativity.

I talk about how you can begin to build trust both your body and with your own inner voice again with some practical daily embodiment practices and journaling.

This will help you connect with yourself which spills into connecting with others. Alignment can only happen when we begin to examine what no longer serves us in our lives on an individual level first and then as a collective. In other words, you have to get clear on you first.

In part two I go into more of the physical ways you can support your body’s natural immune response by supporting your metabolism.


References mentioned in this episode:



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EP 93: Natural Foods Entrepreneurship & Motherhood With Junea Rocha


Junea Rocha is the Co-founder and CMO of Brazi Bites. Junea Rocha moved to the US in 2005 after graduating from college in Civil Engineering and took a job in construction management in Portland, Oregon.

She rose through the ranks quickly, and hit a career-high, yet she felt unfulfilled. It would have been easy for Junea to lean into the success she found in engineering, but when she imagined her future she knew she would rather reflect on taking a risk and following her dream than looking back with regret by playing it safe and sticking with a career she wasn’t passionate about.

Not having any immediate background in the culinary or food space, Junea’s love and passion for her homeland ignited an idea. In 2010, she and her husband started Brazi Bites with the hopes that Americans would love Brazilian Cheese Bread (“Pão de queijo”) as much as they did.

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In 2015, Junea and Cameron had the opportunity to pitch Brazi Bites on ABC’s Shark Tank. 9 million viewers watched the Sharks fall in love. Brazi Bites sold out nationwide and became a freezer aisle must-have in grocery stores across the country.

Shark Tank Episode


instagram: @brazi_bites


In this episode we talk about:

  • What Brazilian cheese is and the culture that’s been built around it.

  • Junea shares her experience of going from knowing nothing about the natural food industry to owning a successful natural food business called Brazi Bites.

  • What inspired Junea to bring Brazilian cheese bread to the US.

  • What it’s like to be a female founder and a mother at the same time.

  • Why great products don’t always make it and how you can support them.

  • Junea’s experience on Shark Tank.

  • How Junea creates a successful self care practice amidst her career as a company founder, CMO and a mother.



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EP79: Harnessing The Energy Of Spring With Danielle Melanson


Danielle received her master’s degree in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine in Portland, Oregon.

She’s a member of the American Association of Oriental Medicine (AAOM) and board certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).

She has additional certifications in Chinese herbal medicine and the ability to prescribe custom Chinese herbal formulas for her patients in Portland, Oregon.

When not caring for patients, Danielle enjoys a lifestyle of hiking, skiing, mountain biking, boogie boarding and cooking with her son, Harry.

Connect with Danielle at:


In this episode Danielle and I talk about:

  • How acupuncture works

  • How acupuncture can aid in allergy relief

  • What organs are related to springtime (according to Chinese Medicine) and why

  • What spring represents from a Chinese Medicine perspective

  • What we should be focusing on in the springtime for better health

  • Strategies for letting go of the energy of winter and stepping into spring

EP78: Cultivating Courageous Habits With Kate Swoboda

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Kate Swoboda is creator of, Director of the Courageous Living Coach Certification at and author of The Courage Habit: How to Accept Your Fears, Release the Past, and Live Your Courageous Life. She helps individuals, teams, and companies see where old, fear-based habits have kept people stuck or started to limit what’s possible for an organization, and then start creating more courageous lives by getting into “the courage habit,” a four-part process for behavioral and organizational change.

Kate has appeared in MindBodyGreen, Entrepreneur, USA Today, Forbes, Lifetime Moms, The Intelligent Optimist, Business Insider, and more, and her website Your Courageous Life was named a top-50 blog for happiness by Greatist.

She’s spoken at conferences and seminars on the topic of courage as it relates to personal development, releasing overwhelm, business and marketing, money mindset, wellness, increasing emotional resilience, and healthy goal-setting using habit-formation techniques.

What The Courage Habit is:

  • How we can recognize these fear patterns

  • How we can better recognize fear;

  • Ways that we can unhook from old fear-based habits;

  • How to practice the four parts of it in doable ways in our lives.


In this episode we talk about:

  • How you can start making more progress on your goals

  • Steps toward feeling more confident even when making difficult decisions

  • Develop more emotional resilience: by understanding how habits work

  • How fear patterns can keep you in a continuous feedback loop of unhealthy habits

  • Four fear patterns that most people fall under and go unnoticed

  • How habits are formed in the brain

  • How any habit can be broken and changed for the better

  • How community plays an important part in reflecting back to us what goes unseen

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EP76: Bridging The Gap Between Hormones & Self Worth With Justine Cecile


Justine Cécile is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner supporting professional women who are struggling with raging hormones, even when they are on hormone therapy.

While working on herself and with clients, Justine discovered that there are three areas in women’s health that are largely ignored; hormonal health as a whole, gut health and how our mind works with our biology.

Realizing that we are each responsible for our own health, Justine Cécile brings her personal experience, education and resources together to guide and mentor women to regain control of their health and happiness.

In addition, to analyzing lab diagnostics and supporting corrective care with targeted supplement protocols, Justine Cécile has developed a systematic approach to coaching based on her philosophy that the reality of an individual’s health and happiness is designed by them, not built by them alone and five principles that supports the individual’s ability to know themselves and develop their own systems for achieving both health and happiness with a true sense of freedom.

Justine Cécile has spent the last 18 years mastering how to get in-tune with the body, learning how to uncover what the subconscious wants and desires and how to influence environments to improve our experience with life.

Prior to championing women’s health, she served in the military and worked with refugees, was a university professor, a programmer and managed software development and now has branched out to support women who have put themselves last for most of their lives.

Her personal experience with a chronic illness that is poorly understood and her strengths of being able to connect the dots, to communicate complex issues with simplicity and to sincerely connect with others has led her to the path she is on today.

Connect with Justine:

EP75: Creating Accountability In Your Fitness Practice

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I think accountability, the act of being responsible for self, is a practice and depending on where we start and how well we know ourselves, it’s a process.

According to Brene Brown accountability is connected to courage. She explains since accountability opposes blame, we can see how not having accountability can keep us in a victimhood state of mind. One that paralyzes us and keeps us in shame without being able to move forward and find resolution.

I’ve gone through this myself and with many of my clients. Accountability is hard and most of the time we need someone to walk us through it if we’re not sure where to start.

The most uncomfortable part is finding the courage to be honest with yourself about what is or isn’t working. I’ve been in denial about what’s not working more times than I can count. Sometimes it takes a little push from the people who care about me most, but when I can be honest with myself and begin to take steps toward what could work, I find my life shifts into alignment.

When you stop hustling and guessing you can begin to make decisions that are based on your values. When you give yourself space to slow down and to reflect then you’re better able to make decisions from a place of awareness rather than not.

Coming from this place of awareness is incredibly helpful in shaping a foundational plan that’s based on your values (not someone else’s)

You no longer have to guess, self criticize or get frustrated because things aren’t working. Instead you come from a place of knowing what works and what doesn’t so that you can start moving toward your goal.

But you’ll never know this unless you look at what you’re doing first.

You most likely will make mistakes, but it’s a learning process. If we can avoid attaching ourselves to the shame of messing up and instead realize that messing up is part of the process of learning, our experience can be way more impactful.

Moving forward with courage instead of shame and blame is the first step in holding yourself accountable and trusting yourself again.


Accountability tools for Success

You don’t even have to participate in extreme dieting tactics if you don’t want to. All you have to do is become aware of how much you take in in relation to how much you move. It’s that simple.

Some people are not taking in enough and some are taking in too much without getting enough movement to offset the calorie intake. Some people are eating too much in one sitting and could benefit from splitting the bigger meals up and spreading them out throughout the day.


What these tools will help you see:

  • Your macronutrients ratios and discover what works best

  • What vitamins and minerals you’re getting and which ones you may not be getting enough of.

  • Your food patterns - if you’re eating too much in one sitting or not eating enough.

  • If you’re eating low quality foods you’ll quickly discover that you’ll not be satisfied with your normal calorie intake.


Tools I Use:

Cronometer - A food logging app. It tracks calorie intake and compares it to how much movement you’re getting each day. This app helps you discover how much you’re taking in comparing to how much you’re expending. Cronometer integrates with Fitbit and offers a paid option of splitting your meals so you can see how much you are eating at each meal. I find this to be incredibly helpful to know.

Fitbit - tracks; hours of sleep, gives you your weekly average weight, daily water intake and movement

Note: If your goal is to lose weight, You want to take your weight everyday first thing in the morning with the same scale. Then take the weekly average. That way you will see a true measure of weight rather than the day to day fluctuation (because you will fluctuate depending on the time of day and where you are in your cycle)

Temp and pulse - Use your temperature and pulse readings to find out how your metabolism is functioning and responding to changes you are making.

Mood - Your mood will always give you an indication of how your physiology is working. It will also tell you if you’re not getting enough energy or if you have tons of energy.

If you want to learn more about how I teach my clients to build a foundation of fitness and nutrition so they can live the life they love in the body they love contact me today for a free 30 minute consultation.

Building Your Food Foundation Course & Coaching

EP69: Build The Body You Love With Kitty Blomfield

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Kitty Blomfield is a director at Nustrength Personal Training based in Brisbane Australia. She also has the Nustrength Youtube Channel with a series of different shows geared toward food prep, nutrition education and inspiring testimonials. She's passionate about empowering people through the right nutrition and strength training.

For many years Kitty struggled with body image and was your typical over-exerciser and under-eater. Her weight would yo-yo, she lacked energy, slept poorly, and suffered from terrible binge eating. It was so bad that she'd train six days a week for up to two and a half hours a day and would eat a low calorie and low carb diet.

In 2014 Kitty was introduced to the work of Doctor Ray Peat, Emma Sgourakis (The Nutrition Coach), Dodie Anderson and Rob Turner. Their research challenged her entire belief system around what constitutes ‘true health and fitness’. Since then, she's never looked back.

Kitty now only trains three days a week and does very little cardio apart from the occasional walk in the sun. She follows a structured and measured training program and eats to fuel her body now as opposed to depriving her body the way she used to.

As a result Kitty is the strongest she's ever been and she's in the best shape of her life but most importantly she feels the best she's ever felt. In 2015 Kitty competed in her first powerlifting competition and broke the GPC record for deadlifting in the under 75kg weight class. In March 2016 she competed at ProRaw8 and won the female deadlift only competition with a deadlift of 207.5kgs at 71.5kgs body weight.

She believes that if you want to be in the best shape of your life you need to love the process. If you focus on getting stronger in the gym, tracking and measuring your training and nutrition and nourish your body with the right food the physique will look after itself.

According to Kitty, there's something extremely empowering about being a strong female, she wants to help you become the healthiest, happiest and strongest version of yourself in and out of the gym.


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This is full of anti-inflammatory properties from turmeric, along with ginger and of course Lion's Mane which optimized cognitive performance and supports the nervous system! Brain fog, BE GONE!

You'll need:

1 1/12 cups milk or coconut milk

1 packet Lion's Mane Elixir

1/4 tsp turmeric, pinch of fresh or powdered ginger (to taste)


Heat milk on low until warm. 

Add all ingredients to a blender or mug, and froth or mix until thoroughly combined and frothy. 

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Integrate into our online community today and get great rewards!


References Talked About in This Episode

The Nutrition Coach

Popping The Food Bubble

Dodie Anderson

EP61: Art Is Medicine & Medicine Is Art With Dr. Tumi Johnson

EP61: Art Is Medicine & Medicine Is Art With Dr. Tumi Johnson

Dr. Oluwatumininu (Tumi) Johnson, M.D. is a physician, dancer, and poet. She is board certified in Internal Medicine, a diplomate of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine, and was made an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine of NYU in 2011. She has been a yoga practitioner for over 20 years and completed Yoga teacher training with Yogaworks in 2012.

A graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, Dr. Johnson also has extensive nutrition expertise, with past experience running a weight management clinic in New York City. Tumi also served in West Africa as a Doctors Without Borders field doctor in nutrition clinics there. Her holistic medical practice is focused on helping people identify the underlying causes of their health issues.

She then uses her expertise to offer individualized holistic regimens that support people in achieving and sustaining their most vibrant well-being. Through her plant-based health plans, she has had many patients heal issues ranging from diabetes to hormonal imbalances to persistent weight challenges.

EP59: Understanding Biohacking With Luke Storey

EP59:  Understanding Biohacking With Luke Storey

Luke Storey, a former Hollywood celebrity fashion stylist, has spent the past twenty-one years developing and refining the ultimate lifestyle, based on the most powerful principles of health and spirituality, while at the same time embracing the technology and modern conveniences of urban living.

Using himself as a human research lab, Luke has explored a broad and sometimes extreme variety of measures to obtain optimal health, performance, and well-being. From surviving being injected with poisonous Amazonian frog venom, to three-week silent meditation trainings in India, to neurofeedback training in an isolation chamber, Luke has scoured the earth for the most cutting edge as well as ancient technologies of healing and personal transformation.

Luke has tenaciously applied the results of his field research and used them to not only completely transform his own life but also the lives of thousands of fans and followers through his various media channels and speaking engagements.

As a transformational coach, public speaker, and entrepreneur, Luke continues to share his strategies for healing and happiness to corporate as well as private clients, through his innovative and highly effective lifestyle design coaching system, Youtube channel, and wildly popular podcast, The Life Stylist. Since 2008, Luke has also served as Founder and CEO at School of Style, the nation’s most prominent fashion school for stylists.

EP58: How I Healed My Midlife Crisis With Christopher Ryan

EP58:  How I Healed My Midlife Crisis With Christopher Ryan

Christopher and his work have been featured just about everywhere, including: MSNBC, Fox News, CNN, NPR, The New York Times, The Times of London, Playboy, The Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, The Atlantic, Outside, El PaisLa Vanguardia, Salon, Seed, and Big Think. 

Chris has been a featured speaker at TED, SXSW, The Festival of Dangerous Ideas at the Sydney Opera House, and the Einstein Forum in Pottsdam, Germany, provided expert testimony in a Canadian constitutional hearing, and appeared in well over a dozen documentary films.

Even before co-authoring the New York Times best-seller, Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What it Means for Modern Relationships (translated into 15 languages), with his wife, Cacilda Jethá, MD, Chris was on a wild ride. After receiving a BA in English and American literature in 1984 he spent the next two decades traveling around the world, pausing in unexpected places to work at decidedly odd jobs (e.g., gutting salmon in Alaska, teaching English to prostitutes in Bangkok and self-defense to land-reform activists in Mexico, managing commercial real-estate in New York’s Diamond District, helping Spanish physicians translate and publish their research). In his mid-30s, Chris decided to return to school to pursue doctoral studies in Psychology at Saybrook Graduate School, in San Francisco, CA.

EP52: Soulful Success Coaching With Hanna Bier

Hanna Bier helps creative entrepreneurs, artists and do-gooders feel good in their own skin, so that they can confidently create the beautiful lives and fulfilling careers they've always wanted. She offers 1:1 coaching, e-courses and soulful podcast episodes for kind creatives who don't know how to achieve the success they desire (yet). Hanna is a Soulful Success Coach, Energy Healer, Family Constellation Therapist and a Priestess of the Divine Feminine. She runs the podcast 'Mystics On A Mission Show' and currently lives in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s how to heal, so I might as well share that.
— Hanna Bier

In this episode we discuss:

  • Why Hanna chose to quit her career in fashion and become a coach & energy healer.
  • Becoming humble and letting go of the need to prove and defend yourself and show off.
  • Her journey from a healing a traumatic childhood to becoming a soul-driven entrepreneur an empowering others to do the same.
  • The importance of healing your family issues and how this can help you live a happy and healthy life.
  • How Hanna found her voice and the importance of this connection.
  • Hanna's journey in discovering how to play and how this relates to her passion for comedy.
  • How everyone has such a different flavor of using their gifts to do something meaningful.
Comedy is saying life sucks, let me be specific.
— Mastering Standup by Steven Rosenfield

Resources mentioned in this episode:

EP50: Simple Steps To Calming Anxiety With Stephanie Dalfonzo

EP50:  Simple Steps To Calming Anxiety With Stephanie Dalfonzo

Born out of her lifelong journey of struggling with relationships, insomnia, feeling lost and stuck, Stephanie has become an anxiety expert out of necessity. After the stark realization that something had to change... she started the process of learning how to break free from the invisible bonds of anxiety and has spent over 20 years researching holistic, natural, and scientifically proven methodologies.

She literally wrote the book on how to overcome anxiety: “Goodbye Anxiety, Hello Freedom”. Stephanie knew that “one size fits all” would not work for her, or anyone else for that matter. This was her mantra in her quest for learning and healing which led her to extensive training programs and certifications in Hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping, Neurolinguistic Programming, Reiki, Yoga and more. 

EP44: Let's Talk About Your Relationship With Money with Dr. Renee Mudrey

EP44:  Let's Talk About Your Relationship With Money with Dr. Renee Mudrey

Dr. Renee Mudrey she is an educational psychologist and an associate professor of educational psychology and owner of Transcendent Heart Life Coaching Dr. Renee is a leading researcher and expert in emotion regulation emotion management and emotional health.

Dr. Renee shares her personal story of going through PSTD.  Impacted by her experience she started doing significant research about how to help herself in addition to traditional therapies.  She was able to connect with an amazing coach who taught her how to bridge psychology and emotional coaching.